OuR MasterY
K'ata Collection has the desire to show and share with the world the legacy left by our ancestors through garments that keep the essence of our origins with a high degree of sophistication in their designs and quality.
We are proud of our origins and the richness of our history, we are heirs of a millenary mastery and we share it with the world.
"K'ATA" is a Quechua word that means "UNIQUE" and that is exactly what our brand K'ata Collection represents: Exclusivity, creativity, mastery and sophistication make our products unique.
Our collections are designed for people who live and work in an urban environment and also for those who want to spend their time outdoors, ideal for those who want to dress urban and contemporary and for those seeking comfort and performance, making the difference with products from high quality with a unique style.
We invite you to join us in a magical journey through our origins and our culture, we rescue the essence of our legacy and together with the technology and style of our days we created an extraordinary collection, a K'ata Collection.