A NoblE and LuxuriouS FibeR
Alpaca fiber is known for its incomparable characteristics and the connotation of exclusivity well earned for thousands of years as the "Fiber of the Gods" or the "Gold of the Andes", a noble and luxurious fiber, whose breeding is 100% friendly and respectful with the environment. 80% of the world population of alpacas live in the highlands of the Peruvian Andes, between 2,500 and 4,500 meters above sea level, exposed to extreme weather conditions wich can vary between + 30C and -20C on the same day , condition of nature that turns this fine and soft fiber into the best natural insulating fiber.
The alpacas feed on a low protein diet based on the Ichu that is an abrasive grass found in the high altitude moorlands of Peru and that grows without the participation of any pesticide or artificial fertilizer.
The alpaca fiber is sheared every 12 months, during the summer time and it is done very gently without causing any damage to the alpacas, once the fiber is collected, it is manually classified by experienced women obtaining more than 23 natural shades of color, respecting a millennial textile tradition that harmonizes with Andean biodiversity.
Alpaca is a silky, soft and durable fiber that has unique thermal properties due to the microscopic air pockets found in the fiber, these pockets allow the user to breathe through it on warm days and also trap body heat in cold weather, we are also talking about an elastic, light, non-flammable and hypo allergenic fiber.
Gold Of The Andes